Message from the Sectional Head of the Special Area
I am pleased to send this felicitation message on the occasion of launching the redesigned website of the Siyane National College of Education. I also take immense pleasure in extending my heartfelt congratulation to those who are instrumental in this project.
In modern world, with rapid advancement of technology, a website for any higher institute has become an essentially important tool for establishing its own identity in particular and for regulating and streamlining its functions in general. This website in future will definitely facilitate online learning with the advantages of schedule flexibility, ease of accessibility, range of options, student teachers’ online communication, time to absorb material and greater communication with the lecturers. This website will also function as a channel with connectivity of the world to the mesh of web and enhanced web-centric communications that are options for online methods of learning leading to online ways of knowledge transfer.
The website can also be utilized as a research base disseminating the research findings of both lecturers and student teachers, for publication of such findings is a commonly accepted step of the research process.
There will be opportunities for student teachers to receive program training and implementation support from online solutions provided by the College staff through videos and step-by step process documents particularly on postgraduate teacher training courses of teaching mathematics and science. Teaching mathematics and mathematics teacher development have found new vistas in the world today with a big number of websites providing information on education policy, curriculum, syllabi designing, teaching methodology, assessment and evaluation procedures, and our website therefore will function as a source for sharing our experiences on teaching mathematics with the rest of the world. I wish the redesigned website of the College will pave the way for opening up a new era for Siyane National College of Education.
Mrs. S.M.B.L.Senarath (Head, Department of Mathematics)
Subjects in the NCOE Curriculum - Mathematics
Special Area
Majer 1 - Mathematics
Majer 2 - Science
Professional Area
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